LMSF started implementing a project to create a convenient digital system for LMSF members and athletes in the beginning of 2022. The project has few stages:
- 2022 January: software development requirements and announcement of the contest for the purchase of software. Announcement of the software vendor and the start of software development plan.
- 2022 February: Software development and testing
- 2022 March: LMSF software development and launch
- 2022 April – 2024 December: software support / service / improvements
The purpose of the new system is to simplify the processes of licence ordering, administration and registration to events. Now athletes can order LMSF annual licenses in a faster, more convenient way, register for competitions, monitor their results.
The new system works on the link www.e-lmsf.lt, where athletes can order annual LMSF licenses, view reserved numbers, register for competitions, and monitor results. LMSF members (clubs) can approve athletes belonging to the club, order licenses for them. In this system, LMSF judges are also able to take course tests, volunteers – general rules and procedure tests.
The e-lmsf.lt system works on the principle as a personal account, so it’s more comfortable for athletes to understand how it works. Also, as a result the LMSF administration is assured of the authenticity of registered people and the security of their personal data. It is convenient and more comfortable for the administration to check the missing documents of the athletes, they can quickly see the payments and confirm the ordered licenses. Also, the system provides statistical information, which is useful when submitting reports to the Department of Statistics, FIM, the Ministry of Sports of Lithuania and other institutions.
Purchasing the software for both the LMSF administration and the athletes or clubs the system became more understandable, the procedure for acquiring / issuing licenses easier to complete, and the billing for licenses simplified. When completing an application for a license, the athlete is required to pass a test with questions about the rules of race, the meanings of flags, safety, etc. This ensures that athletes are familiar at least with the ground rules. Athletes and/or teams can easily register to competitions, camps, seminars or other events with their own account. They can see the calendar of events in their account, analyze their results and collect ranking points.
One unified software for all motorcycle sports disciplines makes it clear and easy to register for those athletes who want to participate in other motorcycle sports competitions.
A ranking system has been introduced to help encourage athletes to achieve better results. Athletes at the top of the ranking receive bonuses and other incentives. This encourages athletes to participate in competitions that are included in the LMSF, FIM calendars. Using this system, we select candidates for Lithuanian motorcycle sports teams more transparently and easily.
Strenghts of e-lmsf.lt:
- Easier licence ordering process.
- LMSF administration saves time and makes less mistake by managing all licence orders, event registration deadlines through system.
- There is motivation for athletes to do better in races while they compare their results and ranking with other riders.
- Event officials have an easier access to the information of registered participants, it is an easier process for race secretary to check information about participants.
- Event organizers have a full information about the participants, officials, volunteers etc.
- System is helpful for judges for maintaining their licences and to taking tests.
LMSF now is more e-federation and has an image of always growing and improving association. Software system made the administration processes easier, faster and with less mistakes. The project and system helped for riders, club leaders, event organizers, officials and LMSF administration itself.